1.Understand the basics of how the brain learns.
2.Explore the principles of brain-based learning.
3.Learn how to implement brain-friendly strategies in a classroom setting.
4.Gain resources for continued learning and development in brain-based

Session 1: How the Brain Learns: Introduction to neuroscience and learning.
Session 2: Principles of Brain-based Learning: Examination of the guiding
principles behind brain-based learning.
Session 3: Brain-friendly Classroom Strategies: Practical examples and
strategies that engage students’ brains for better learning outcomes.
Session 4: Application and Practice: Participants will have the opportunity to
develop and practice brain-based learning activities.
Session 5: Q&A and Interactive Discussion: Opportunity for participants to ask
questions and share experiences.

1.A Certificate of Completion.
2.A workshop guidebook containing key insights, strategies, and additional
resources for brain-based learning 3.Access to an online forum for continued support and knowledge sharing.
How can brain-based learning strategies be applied in the classroom to improve student engagement and academic achievement?
Educators can apply brain-based learning strategies in the classroom to enhance student engagement and academic success by incorporating activities that stimulate multiple senses, promoting active learning through hands-on experiences, utilizing collaborative and cooperative learning techniques, providing regular opportunities for movement and physical activity, incorporating visual aids and mnemonics to enhance memory retention, and fostering a positive and supportive learning environment. By aligning teaching practices with how the brain learns best, educators can optimize student learning and achievement.
Discounted price for the first 5 registrations
6 hours (split over multiple days)
Parents, Caregivers, Educators, anyone interested in child and teen mental health.